
Bold is: <B> </B> (the new version of bold is "strong")


Underline is: <U></U> (the new version is <style or <span ; underline)


Italic is: <i></i> (the new version is <em> (emphasis) </em>


<P> </P> is "paragraph"


CTRL+F for "find"



<head> (the brain...) </head>

 <body> this is the message and images and stuff</body>




1. Meditech (expanse): potential images...

*Best Practices
* hit SAVE first!! less errors...

* meditech must have text first on the page,
or it might have an error on load...

*naming convention for images (title,page

number): example:
66 ID number the sheet.
01 is the first image of that sheet.

Numbering conventions should start with 01,
02, 03, etc. so pages don't get intermixed
with 10, 11, etc.

01- 09

*file type of images: Meditech only supports
.JPG files. (Journalists and photo group)
Insert Image > (JPG) > your library > find the
picture, and press insert.
then, remove the table if needed, left-click
the picture, right-click and hit "cut".
then, delete the table, and put the cursor
where you want it, then hit CTRL+V to paste
the picture without the table back in.

cut/paste the text, then hit Format > Clear Formatting.
for bullets, also highlight the text, then press the bullet button to remove them, then again to re-add them so they are "plain".

* Styles: (cascading style sheets aka: .CSS)
- the internet (web browsers and EMRs) display fonts and bullets.

Meditech has a "global" .CSS file that controls the font size and font "face".
(Helvetica, Times Roman, etc.) - it only override Meditech if it is "told to do so in the document code" HTML. otherwise, you'll get the default fonts in Meditech.

*EMRs don't under "alignment" tags. right, center, left, etc.
"go left, or "no" alginment..." > then it won't get confused in the EMR.


cool websites to try out:




at home, if you can view dropbox, I have training videos!




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