Airborne Precautions
Patient and Family Instructions:
You have been placed in AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS because you are known or suspected
to be infected with a microorganism transmitted by the Airborne route.
In addition to routine infection control measures, the staff will:
1. Wear RESPIRATORY PROTECTION whenever entering your room unless they are
known to be immune to the microorganism you are infected with.
2. Limit your activity to your room unless it is necessary for you to be transported to
another department-at that time you will be asked to wear a surgical mask if you can
tolerate it.
3. You will be placed in a room with NEGATIVE AIR PRESSURE. It is very important
that the door of your room remain closed at all times to maintain the negative air
pressure of the room.Your room vents air directly to the outside. A PORTABLE
HEPA FILTER MACHINE may be used to enhance air cleaning.
4. YOU CAN HELP prevent the spread of this microorganism by covering your
mouth and nose with a Kleenex when you cough or sneeze.
5. Your VISITORS will be restricted to IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS. NO
CHILDREN UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE without special permission. Your visitors will
be asked to wear a surgicalmask while in your room and remove the mask and
wash their hands after leaving your room.